Morgan nods in understanding as she uses this window of time to her advantage and rushes over to her uncle, digging him out of the rubble. "Are you alright?" She asks as she helps Leon up. "I'm alright..that shadow of his is stronger than I had expected.." he states as he places a hand on his chest, finding it a bit painful to breathe. "He broke your ribs..does he know what he's doing?" Morgan asks. "No..he has no control over his actions or words at the moment..the only solution is to defeat him..." Leon explains. "Won't he turn if we weaken him like that..?" Morgan asks. "I rather have that happen then possibly sustain a fatal injury to himself or someone else..." Leon states, as the two of them keep an eye on Inigo, prepared to make their escape if need be. (Battle Theme: [url=]Don't Be Defeated By A Friend![/url]) Inigo laughs as Cilia and Drax approach him, looking at them with a wicked grin on his face. "How lovely..let's just see if the two of you can live up to my expectations...try to keep up!" He states as he swaps his claymore for two katanas, and charges towards the duo, preparing to strike at them both at once.