Jerrick seemed contemplative and nodded when Meesei described the new relations with Molag Bal. It was as if he was trying to decide whether it was good news or not. He at least seemed satisfied with Meesei's answer enough to answer her question as well. "Well, he told me about a fortnight ago that there was a threat to the pack from outside - though I suppose clan is more appropriate for our size now. He said that our clan had a role to play in the war and it was important enough that he would be sending assistance. I figured it would be the champion as word had reached my ears that the nameless slayer Orc had himself been killed. Well, here you are." Jerrick sat up straight in his chair while he continued. Oswall reached over to grab at a piece of the meal he had been eating and resuming on it, but he was quiet enough that it didn't interrupt. Jerrick seemed more serious now, "Let me tell you of the situation we do know. Most of the contact we have had with Vile has been pre-emptive. They know we are in the mountains, but they do not find us first, and once they are identified it is normally a matter of ambushing them. In the last six months we have killed about five groups of cultists. The last one we killed was a week ago, actually. It might have even been the group you were talking about. These ones were different, however. Harriet here led the attack," Jerrick looked to the Orc woman who had been sitting with one foot over her knee, she placed both feet on the floor when she was addressed, "Tell them what you told us, Harriet." Harriet dipped her head to one side and seemed nonchalant about the matter. "Well first off these ones were on one of the mountain paths and were following tracks from one of our hunting parties. They were making more progress than the others, maybe even would have found our cave if they kept going. These ones went down in an ambush, like the others, but they were more powerful, more sure of themselves. A couple even managed to escape with their lives, though only with some serious magical power helping them to escape. We've had people tracking them, but they're holed up somewhere that we can't find." Jerrick looked to Meesei again. "We've still got people looking for them, but right now we have to keep an eye everywhere. It might be that they got some of our blood and might be infiltrating us with some werewolf initiates." Jerrick sighed and he looked down, seemingly disappointed, "It gets difficult when you can't trust the people that you want to help, these new lycans, especially with so many of them. Really, your presence here will help immensely, because if there is anyone that I need, it's trustworthy folk. You and your pack may stay as long as you like and as long as we can feed you, I'll be able to put you to good use in our investigations. First of all, though, do you have any questions about the pack...or the clan, I'll have to make a habit to start saying that...anything at all? Life here is different than in most packs, as you can probably tell. Someone could give you a tour if you like." Fendros, Janius, and Sabine kept quiet for now. They didn't want to speak over Meesei and they still weren't exactly sure what to make of Jerrick and his hideout full of lycans.