[quote=@Guess Who] [quote=@Sixsmith] [quote=Guess Who] Hmm, I just realized that I use the pronoun "he" a lot. I'll try to do that less often in my next post. [/quote] Man, just use name's more often, read the sentence over, and if you think it'd be hard to discern who you're referring to when you use the gender pronoun, then insert the name instead. It may look or sound repetitive to you, but it helps the reader understand so much better that way. Just don't go overboard on it, lol. I never use the name of the individuals more than 2 times, 3 if I'm pushing it on the length of the sentence. It's more spacing than it is using a word multiple times. If the same word or name is used close together, it's always going to sound repetitive, but if you space it between pronouns and other words, then it'll do what it's meant to be doin' and identifying who the hell you be talkin' bout. I don't know. Does it sound like I'm making sense or am I just spoutin' bullshit? I'm probably spoutin' bullshit. Ignore this~ Slap me because I am trash. Trassssshhhhh. Also, fuck Worcestershire sauce because it's so fucking delicious and I just wanna drink it, but I didn't buy it, so I can't. Fuck. [/quote] If you look at my last post, I started almost every sentence in the first paragraph with the word "he." That's what I meant by my earlier statement. Not that I used it in a confusing way or that I didn't know when to use it. I was just stating something that a felt was a fault in my last post. Hope this didn't come out sounding rude, that wasn't my intention. [/quote] #Trash Confirmed #Rude #I didn't need anyone to confirm I'm literal garbage tyvm [img]http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/hhh.gif[/img]