Zaylin took a partial step back as the long-haired girl suddenly turned around. “Sorry!” Zaylin gave her an apologetic look. “Didn’t mean to startle you.” She watched curiously as the long-haired girl climbed to a branch. When the other girl spoke, Zaylin’s attention turned back to her. “I’ve heard bodies of water are pretty good at providing that.” Zaylin looked to the lake thoughtfully, letting her hands dangle loosely over the staves, her wrists continuing to keep them in place. “Sorry for intruding. I was just heading back to Wells Hall. Curfew isn’t too far off.” She looked over questioningly to the girl in the tree as she apologized. Zaylin shifted uncomfortably beneath the girl’s scrutinizing gaze. “Sorry for what?” she asked as the girl came back to the ground. “Climbing a tree? No worries. We all have to hug a tree every now and again. I totally get it,” she said sincerely, grinning. [b]“Well, this has been fun, but the sun’s setting, and it's probably not the best idea to get caught near the lake at night. I mean, if you favor living and all.”[/b] “That sounds only vaguely ominous,” Zaylin chuckled. “Unless you know of a different way, shall we, then?” She nodded to where the trail created a gap in the trees further along the lake, then glanced between the two girls, awaiting their replies.