[b]Nero[/b] "I-I'm so sorry." He stammered, getting up off the boy and hurrying inside. It was getting dark and he knew that the boy would question his glasses. He passed the librarian and she just smiled at him as he tipped his hat and grinned, walking over to his study. He took out his little silver key and unlocked the door, locking it behind him once he got in. Tipping off his glasses off his eyes he snapped to light the fire, his eyes glowing for a fraction of a second. He moved over and found that a stack of leather books were on the table, sitting in front of his chair. Around them was a faint scorchmark and a smell of sulfur. Nero grinned as he sat in his chair, his delivery had gotten here. The old man didn't have to much experience, but he could do a simple delivery like this. It had taken some convincing, but a quick look into his eyes had gotten Nero's caretaker to send over these super expensive books, along with an imp. "Leave me little one, I have no need for you." He said to the air, and a small shimmer appeared beside the books as the imp left to work with his 'father'. He cracked open a book, and with a sip of apple cider he began to read these tomes to hone his magic skills, all the way til dawn.