[b]James Mason[/b] After James had finished practice, he went back to the locker room to get changed. As he was getting changed, he noticed that Jamie was rushing out, [i]Probably to speak to Ash[/i], he thought. James didn't know how the two of them weren't a couple yet. [i]Maybe they are[/i], he wondered to himself, [i]but just haven't told anyone[/i]. James walked back over to Wells Hall, and went up the stairs to his and Jamie's dorm room. He could hear the two of them talking, and he smiled. James knew that if Jamie was still happy and laughing when he got back, he wouldn't notice that there was a cigarette missing. James took out a cigarette from Jamie's drawers, making sure not to move anything else, and lit it up. Then, he put his cassette tape of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody on, and laid on his bed, as he did after every practice.