[quote=@CourierSix] [b]Isaac Clarke- CMS Terra Nova Exterior[/b] Isaac blasted higher into the air. He had flown over the blue wave of energy that flew at him. That was his lucky stroke. He had been hit with the same electrical pulse that had disabled ship's defenses, and it caused his helmet to malfunction. He couldn't take it off. "Not like I wanted to anyways..." He thought out loud. Anything else affected apparently wasn't relevant at the moment, so he shrugged it off and kept going. The ship rose so high that they were practically in space. They would actually be there in a very short amount of time. Isaac pulled his own personal contact beam out, and used ship controls to aim all nearby defense beams that weren't disabled at the robot. He charged his laser up simultaneously to the other lasers, then timed his shot so that they all fired and connected at the same time, hopefully causing massive damage if the robot was was not so agile. [/quote] By now Blackout had noticed the altitude. Well, even more so than before. Being almost in space, he felt more and more insecure as the ship increased it's height. However, he put it to the back of his mind as he focused on the current objective. On his left hand, he fired his Gatling gun at the human, while the right held his tail rotor. The wickedly sharp blades started spinning, creating a sound that resembled a human weed-whacker. However, before he could proceed to make any coordinated attack, he felt lasers starting to target him. His rotor blade weapon stopped, and he aimed the arm at the nearest defense turret and activated his weapons systems there. A missile launched out from said arm and destroyed one of the lasers, but not before countless other defenses fired at him. As the lasers impacted the Decepticon warrior, they first had to go through it's shields. For a moment, they held, and the lasers did nothing to harm the behemoth. However, after that they gave out. A large flash occurred as they slammed into Blackout. Luckily for him, his armor had absorbed much of the damage. However, it would be likely that another shot like that would be fatal. On top of that, he was leaking a blue liquid. The shot had managed to make him "bleed" out Energon, the life force of the transformer race. Giving one last glare at the human, Blackout decided that it would be in his best entrance to leave this to the vampire. The massive warrior began quickly walking towards the edge of the ship. [hider=OOC comments]((Hopefully didn't screw this post up))[/hider]