Brooch swiveled around at the sudden reply to his monologue. An hooded figure leaned against the wall near entrance, quite tall actually, maybe up to titans chin? "[i]AH, I did not see you there before, you are one of my new comrades right? Your skills of covertness are certainly impressive, it is good indeed to have control of shadows so none of our number fall to cowardly ambushes or cumbersome traps. And as to the matter of feast...[/i]" Brooch gazed around him with exaltation before spreading his arms in wing like fashion. "[i]THIS IS MY FEAST my new elf companion, I live as much of glory and honor as I do from ryebread and pork![/i]" This announcement was broken by titans stomach rumbling, echoing and amplified within his armor. "[i]Thou I wouldnt really mind for some ryebread and pork right now![/i]" Brooch started lumbering towards the feast, past the shadowy elf, laughing heartily along the way.