The night went by with pleasant company and comedic conversation. Tim was one of the last to excuse himself. He made his way down to the batcave and walked along all the different trophies on display. The whole walk through was a timeline of the time Batman had worked in Gotham. It was powerful and calming. It was proof of what Bruce and the rest had done. It also made Tim realize he might have to start collecting trophies. Though the giant T-Rex and coin were likely to be an obstacle. After his walk through Tim returned to the manor and went to bed. Waking up the next morning Tim threw on a old shirt and shorts and started the morning with a jog. By the time he had worked up a sweat and made his way back for a shower. Once the sweat and grime was washed off his body he found a early breakfast had been delivered to his room. While munching on the meal he opened his laptop and got some work done. It wasn't until he heard the call of the house to prepare for the weddings guests. Tim did not enjoy formal gatherings. He found most company to be dull and out of touch with reality while the rest were all to comfortable living in luxury while the world slowly burned around them. Long ago he had given up on trying to rally other members of the trust fund baby group to support his community outreach programs. Still among the crowd of pointless 1%'s there were good people. Those that stood beside Tim during his community center Neon Knights anti-gang centers. Others who had supported the Wayne family in their work for the community. Changing into his suit and giving his tie a final tight tug he made his way down as guests began to mingle. After some friendly hellos were exchanged with old family friends and congratulations were handed out Tim found himself beset upon by an elderly woman accompanied by a younger woman in a tuxedo. Her most striking feature being her red hair. Without missing a beat Tim smiled and shook hands with the woman who introduced herself as Kate. It was easy enough to tell who the driving force behind this interaction was. Still Kate seemed to be humoring her grandmother enough to show up to the event. Tim wasn't one to avoid a curious character.”It is nice to meet you Kate and if I might say a untamed rebel is far better than a docile sheep.” He flashed a warm smile as Kate’s grandma gave a smile more linked to the fact that Tim was still chatting and hadn't walked away. “A comfort we both share.” Tim said. This earned a matching smile from Kate who had understood the meeting was enjoyed but had no second meaning or expectation. The small group was shortly joined by Steph and Damian. With Damian's cutting comment being the two’s introduction to the group Tim gave a smile for the people around them to know this was just a brother being snarky. Tim wasn't one to be drawn into a battle of pointless words filled with pot shots at dress and attire. Still he added this to the long mental list of why he really just did not like Damian. “Kate I would like to introduce my younger brother Damian. As you can see he has a way with words.” He then moved his hand over to Steph. “And this is Stephanie Brown. A good friend of the family.”