[quote]"Mon'keigh, I advise you not to shoot this cross dresser. Though funny looking, I presume that Sayaka will not appreciate people killing people. Now be a dear and drop your primitive-as dust gun. Please."[/quote] With that threat, Integra now found herself on the wrong end of a firearm. It seemed one of the 'unknowns' (for lack of a better term) had intervened and from his tone of voice and the hooded man's fireball, forcing a point via a firearm isn't going to get out her of this place ... if she even could. For all she knew, this museum and the group populating it were just the delusions of a dying woman; her body could still be lying on the [i]Deus Ex Machina[/i]'s bridge in a pool of her own blood. [i]And if I am dead, then this is probably the worst form of Purgatory that anyone could hear of. That fool Maxwell would have gone insane in this madhouse inside of five minutes.[/i] "I've killed people - alive or undead - for less then drawing a weapon on me." she coldly taunted the pointed-ear ... whatever species that man was. "I don't know where I am, if I could trust anyone or even if I am still [b][i]alive[/i][/b]! So until I find answers, a way out or both, you must forgive me if I am in no mood to be tolerant of idle threats or not taken with trusting anyone without any reserve." Her point made, Integra slowly drew her snub-nosed sidearm away from the tensed-up wizard and calmly ejected the full magazine. She continued to glare at the wizard, who still seemed ready to burn her to cinders before, with a mocking smirk twisting the left corner of her lips, she pocketed the Sig-Sauer and reached for her as-of-yet still-unsmoked cigar. "If you are prepared to try and help me escape this place, I'm prepared to let bygones be bygones and to do the same for you." she added, placing the cigar between her lips as she inclined her gaze towards the Eldar outcast. "So do us both a favor and lower the gun ... [i][b]dear[/b][/i]."