[quote=@RawrgnatheBloodfridge] So we officially only need two more people now, right? I don't know if you can force people to not leave their computers unless somehow you cast some spell of binding on them or something. [/quote] Right! I'll be posting my other character at some point, but I'm not sure it counts since I'd be controlling a ton of NPCs... and they don't count, eh? [quote=@Unraveller] [quote=@Teknonick] [i]Stuff[/i] [/quote] I feel like you'd be driving a white van, on either side is a poorly spray-painted, "Free RP" I shudder thinking about it. [/quote] It's actually a golden van. With a window that opens up and has a bunch of DnD board games sitting there, with a factory-made sign saying "Free DnD sessions! Join us, it's free! We're not going to force you!" and two armed men standing on either side of the window with M4A1s. Muhahahaa.... Now I want to start a DnD session badly. I've never played other than that one time I kicked the Mimic... oh, there should be Mimic Buckets. Then I could kick the Mimic Bucket. xD "Another one bites the Tek! Oh! Oh! Oh! Another Mimic bites the Tek!"