One of the magistrates extended his hand to Hotarubi, she understood she had to hand over her beloved bakuzan, with some hasitation she handed her katana to the magistrate, Casimir was asked to hand over his sword too. Before The three magistrates could take them to the magistrate office a man appeared asking what was going on "It is not your bussines!" The second magistrate, the one wielding his katana before and most violent of thethree, said but one of the other too magitrates pulled his sleeve and whispered something into his ear. The three magistrates looked at Haru carefully, indeed, he was covered in blood. "Hand over your weapons please, you are coming with us to the magistrate office" Said the first magistrate kindly. Then again before they coudl resume their march two other magistrates and a woman appeared. Hotarubi looked at the woman and instantly knew she was going to be interrogated too, she sighed. "Another suspect!?" The violent magistrate asked quite angry, the two magistrates nodded and so the four suspecs and the five magistrates walked to the magistrate office, the walk took around an hour, no one said a word during that time. The four suspects were taken to an old jail were they waited. After 10 minutes a magistrate wearing girly colthes, heavy make-up and a sword hich handle looked like a shark fin appeared and opened the jail. "My apologies if the other magistrates treated you bad, but unfortunally the situation in Amahara is quite serious, we spend day and night trying to stop the Aoto gang and they drug they sell: Soma, so we can't just go on a large scale battle against them, first we have to find the secret of how to produce soma..." The effimenate magistrate covered his mouth. "Oh I talked too much... Anyway, My name is Sosuke Nakamura and I'm here to let you go free." Sosuke said and stood asaid from the jail door, leaving the path free, however he added some words before the four could leave. "Say...You could have resisted and fight to escape if you wanted to but decided to surrender and come here...How naive...But it I like that. We need more people like you guys in the magistrate office so, how about it? I can give you a job...Oh My...I'm rushing things too much...Well, if you need a job talk to the man at the entrance of the magistrate office, he is in charge of giving jobs to the people. Well then bye bye!" Sousuke said and walked away. Hotarubi sighed "Man...He talks too much..." She complained and walked out of the jail, and old magistrate sitting behind an old table gave her her katana back, she did not wait for the others and so walked out of the magistrate office, on her way she saw the man nakamura talked about but did not pay much attention.