[quote=@Hank] I echo the statement that it's not extraordinary useful, since people can use the [noparse][url][/noparse] tags to properly format links in their posts anyway. It serves a niche purpose in immediately making it clear what thread you're linking to when you post the URL in, say, the IRC. [/quote] They're also good for search engines: [url]http://moz.com/learn/seo/url[/url]. [quote=@Slendy] Thanks Mahz \^-^/!!!!!!...........wait o3o I can't open hidden things two. Like the toggle under the box and images in a hidden. [/quote] Yeah :( The guild's javascript is used for the toggle buttons, so they won't work for you since the guild's javascript doesn't seem to work on your device. I'm trying to figure out how to fix this issue.