[b]"Thanks Katherine."[/b] Makoto said, smiling, thankful for the help. She wanted to say that she had made two new friends but that was hard to say after only knowing them for an evening. Makoto felt badly that Flood said he wouldn't sleep. She attriuted it to a trade of for his abilites. [b]"Good night Flood, see you in the morning."[/b] She hoped that maybe the three of them could get along with Phoebe too, then they could be their own little pod of friends. Makoto put these hopeful thoughts to the side of her mind. It was time to leave and walk to the dorms. Makoto turned to exit with Katherine. The pair began to walk down the empty halls, winding with the locker lined walls. [b]"So, how do you enjoy school here?"[/b] Makoto asked Katherine, trying to start conversation.