[h2]Charlotte - Research facility[/h2] The little witch was so happy once she had hit her target with her very own body, so much that she smiled and forgot what she was doing in the first place. It all made sense to her when she realized the gun girl was moving to throw her back toward Cinder, but she wouldn't go without a meal. Considering she sent her body head first to the girl, her mouth was inevitably in range of biting, and its exactly what she did as she was thrown. Though her body fell to the hands of Cinder, the giant maw she had employed earlier locked itself on the girl's cybernetic wrist, keeping it stuck between two jagged teeth. It would only be when the little body crossed paths with Cinder that Charlotte's maw stropped stretching itself and instead retracted thus pulling the beast back toward the woman, only to proliferate its mass right up to the level of the woman's elbow by biting the forearm over and over. During that one moment, the young assailant could see the heavily damaged hand suffered by being suckled on by Charlotte's merciless grasp. Now Charlotte was attempting to take the whole forearm and eat it entirely as her body flew back toward the woman. If she looked closely, a portion of Charlotte's mouth remained intact on her face but was somewhat gaping. A bizarre, multicolored large eye could be seen staring at the dinner Charlotte was hoping to have soon enough. [h2]Meta-Ridley - The Pirate Ship[/h2] The Medic had been sent and the two annexed ships were deployed to Siberia. It was only a matter of time now before the German doctor would locate the coveted AI and handle the threatening Simmons. The main ship remained in orbit around the earth for a few moments in order to supervise the first minutes of the operation. And it was a good thing that Ridley had the patience to double check everything, because the fourth camera to his right indicated a certain Red magician performing random things despite having the captain's orders to go down on Earth. Not only that, but another recent recruit was heading near the reactor room too. Ridley's grazed his metal claws on his armored face in in frustration for the lack of communication skills his crew seemed to wield. It was funny, such an authoritative figure was losing his cool to a bunch of eccentric individuals he was generally associated with. Ridley wasn't too sure what the second protagonist of this little fiasco was even doing here. From what he head read about him in the crew's logs, he only had a very weird voice following him and the rest of his arsenal remained rather ambiguous. At least he had Arragoz, although ridiculous with his lack of knowledge of just about anything that isn't from where he is, he's pretty efficient at what he does and never really posed a problem. In exception to the possible messes, of course, but people like Cinder Fall or Ridley could teach him a lesson if that happened. "[b]Damn it, Pedinski, your incompetence has led to two stray blues. Get them at the freaking reactor and shove them in the third ship, we'll do with just one.[/b]" He ordered with an overly menacing tone. Though for the moment he seemed to be all talk and bossy, he wouldn't be above decapitating his crew members in an instant with a violent tail whip if they were to prove useless in every way. He was usually very organized and appreciated his crew for what it was worth, but there were limits. The young corporal nodded at the camera near him before marching off to the reactor room to find both Our Hero and Hampus for a quick re-brief before giving them the option to join Medic or appeal to Ridley and stay for the upcoming next step. The Metallic dragon believed he had waited long enough and activated the communication relay between him and the Medic. "[b]Medic, report. What's your status?[/b]" He had then close the canal, only leaving it on to receive messages but not send any. In the meantime, he pointed his tail at the now ready Arragoz in solicitation. "[b]Arragoz, bring me one of your weapons.[/b]" [hider="OOC"]Okay so I'm basically giving Hampus and Our Hero a choice to either go on a search mission with Medic or stay with Ridley for a possible conflict with UMMA members and a lot of space ships. You'll either follow the corporal or see Ridley to appeal in order to stay.[/hider]