Suwako stared at Black Rock Shooter as she dove in, unsure of how to respond. That other woman had jumped in as well, but Suwako didn't know her half as well. But leaving Black Rock shooter on her own... That was a no go. Taking a deep breath, Suwako shook her head and, with a running start, leaped into the pit. It was probably a stupid idea, in all honesty. Well, as long as nothing demonic and world-ending was active it should be fine. Forming a few jets of water to slow her descent, Suwako landed gracefully next to Black Rock Shooter and looked at her as she moved towards whatever the hell was in the center of the pit. "Um... Are you sure you should be messing with that?" she asked as she examined the materials surrounding them. Menacing aura aside, it reminded her of the kappa valley's technology to an absurd extent. "But what could necessitate such a setup in the first place...?" she wondered as she glanced around at the tubes and pipes and such. ---- Dio clicked his tongue as the door closed, effectively sealing him off from further progression. How annoying. As he drew The World closer towards him as a precautionary measure, he noticed a knife whizzing at his leg. "You're joking, right?" he laughed as The World grabbed the knife out of it's position in midair. However, when Dio noticed the grenade on it's handle he had The World promptly launch the weapon at the closed door. The ensuing explosion managed to catch his body, and parts of his arms and legs ended up covered with shrapnel and burns. On the bright side, the door seemed to have taken a brunt of the damage. Perfect. Taking the opportunity and ignoring the pain as his body began to regenerate, Dio moved forward with The World and launched a barrage of punches at the door, causing the dent to grow into a hole, into which he leaped through to get to the supplies. "Tch... I should probably complete this mission soon..." he muttered as he began to look around for the supplies. ----- Gintoki cracked his neck as the last of the gunmen targeting him were taken out, glancing around as he noticed that most of them had their attention on other people. Well, if they were going to give him that kind of opportunity he might as well take it. Taking a chance, he ran behind Gilgamesh and readied his blade. "Mind if I use you for a sec?" Gintoki asked. Not waiting for a response, Gintoki bounded forward and used Gilgamesh as a stepping stone, launching him into the air and forcing some of the gunmen to train their attention on him. Deflecting the few bullets that were fired in his direction, Gintoki pulled the hilt of his blade and released a spray of soy sauce into the face of his attackers. "Gengai, I never thought this stupid upgrade would come in handy..." he muttered as he used the chaos to smack a few of the gunmen in the head. ------ Kakine sighed and shook his head as the witch flew upwards, flapping his wings to keep pace with her. The kind of speed that she was exhibiting was... Well, to be fair, he wasn't sure what he expected in the first place. Focusing for a second, Kakine formed a set of ten knives that were thinly linked to his fingertips by Dark Matter threads. Testing their mobility as he moved his fingers around, Kakine quickly moved his fingers to redirect the knives at the witch's broom and hand. "Rubber? Oh, then we should be fine. Let's just see if we can force that girl to give in before anything happens to the goggles." he said before turning to the witch. "Does the reason matter? It's a memento of things past and a very important item for her to defend herself- that should be enough, right?" he shouted, continuing to tail her as he continued to fly around.