[b]Name:[/b] Hikari Rin [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SPPD9rJ.png?2[/img] [b]Personailty + Bio:[/b] | Reserved | Bitter | Pessimistic | Mysterious | Mature | Patronizing | Intelligent | Cold | Logical | Perfectionist | Harsh | Critic | Detail oriented | Though she puts on this front all she really wants is a friend. | Ever since the Demon of Doubt went into her mind Hikari hasn't been the same. Before that she was very outgoing, childish, sweet but rebellious girl who simply lived life day by day. But when the demon came Hikari began to change; Hikari, who was a sweet girl suddenly began to doubt both her friends and herself. She began to question everything and since she was uncertain of whether they were really her friends, she slowly began to push them away. Eventually she ended up putting on her cold and mysterious persona. Though she seems to have a 'Holier than thou' attitude, its really only to cover up her own doubts and push people further away. Hikaris parents are always at work so they have'nt noticed the changes in their daughter and since she doesn't feel close to them she doesn't want to tell them about it. She secretly just wants a friend but even when people try to get close to her she cant trust them or herself so shes really sad and lonely and angry at herself because she can't get anything done because doubt keeps holding her back. She doesn't have any siblings either so she has to take care of herself. [b]Demon:[/b] Doubt