If Kuro was surprised by the abrupt manifestation of the spirit, he didn't show it. His eyes were glazed and empty. His lips were set into a thin, flat line. His was the expression of a man who was bored with the entire universe and everything in it. He never let his mask slip. He didn't even deign to look directly at Seru, his gaze seeming to slide off of her like she was wallpaper as his body turned slightly. Even his pace hadn't slowed, and suddenly he was standing to her left. He made no movement to advance any further, but it was clear he didn't hold much consideration for the spirit of flame, or even for the intense heat she radiated. Kuro felt the heat as much as anybody else would have, but did not permit his discomfort to show. "あられ、くノ一さん。勝利で栄光。" He said, loudly enough to to make it clear to both Ryza and Alan that he was speaking to them...or at least Ryza, as it was unlikely Alan spoke Kusagi. "My apologies for interrupting," Kuro said after a brief pause. ", but I must speak with you, miss. It is somewhat urgent."