[quote=@Hidden Lilly] [b]"Does he live far away?"[/b] Makoto assumed that most students here weren't like her, having - [i]had[/i] normal parents. Rather, she assumed that most student's here had at least one parent around that was also gifted. Maybe it was naive of her to think so, but from what she had encountered so far, it seemed to be the case. [b]"I wouldn't be surprised. I think I heard Flood say that you could control ice at lunch?"[/b] She checked. Ice to her was an interesting power, she couldn't even fathom how to use it.[b] "Winter was always my favorite season too, but for different reasons. I always enjoyed the lights and how it reflected off of the snow and ice."[/b] [/quote] "Yes. He lives quite a distance from the school. But it's good for me to stand on my own two feet. I have to figure out who I am without him. Most of the time it isn't an issue. But with Phoebe finding her parents and a brother I am missing my father more than usual." Katherin explained. It wasn't something that she would allow to bother her long. It wasn't her way to allow things to get to her. "Well sort of. I am not as good with ice as my dad. He is awesome. Ive got the hang of snow but I am working on ice."