fret not! for I have made it as well! Hello fellows, i am a friend of MacabareFox and i'd like to join this rp. My CS Primary Name: De Age: 23 Race: Angardin Gender: male Class: heavy knight Background: The name 'De' is but a nickname but as a boy he was of humble origin. His parents were sheep herders and their means for income was everything lamb. Clothes, meat, raw materials, horns and breeding. He grew up on large open fields and would often help his father train the sheep herding dogs and eventually do the sheep herding himself. He loved to see how the dogs were shaping the sheep and controlling their movement to a specific place and in a lot of ways it was strategic. One day when he was about 15, his family was visited by a wounded knight. Together his parents were able to save the knight from his wounds and during his recovary he made good friends the little family, especially with the impressionable 15 year old teenager. So, as the knight became fully rested and recharged he asked the father if he could take his son as a squire and thus, the knight dubbed the boy as 'De' from then on. As for De's real name he preferrs to keep it to himself. Not for the sake of anonymity, but as something to have for himself as he knew that as life went on for him, he would have to sacrifice almost everything to become a knight. Through adolesence and into early adulthood he flourished in the ways of combat and strategy. He learned about the formations of platoons and how to utilize them effectively but there is still a lot he needs to learn and he has little 'on the field experience' Appearance: [img=] De is rather fresh faced and has some cheek bones on him. He always has a somber yet peaceful look or a tired gaze about him that often makes it hard to read him or want to connect with him. He had widely set shoulders and a rather wide build that is common. His legs are honed for long trecks and his muscles are used to always having the weight of armor around them. His hands are veiny and jaded themselves suggesting that they are healthy with constant use and strain, particularly his finger tips. De's personality on the other hand, is rather simple actually. He doesn't talk much unless he deems it important so he is rather reserved and observant. He does have a sense of duty and righteousness about him though, so his capacity for empathy is just as swollen and firm in his strong desire to protect good people. Despite not being very talkative, he does like company and he enjoys the sense of comradre when traveling in a platoon or an' army. His luck with women have been a little one sided and by that, I mean he just lets them do whatever they want to him. Often times how he even comes across these women is because he rescues them which then leads them to become very attatched to him very quickly. But for De, he just hasn't quite had the need to settle and often times because of what he does his girlfriends or wanna be girlfriends end up being neglected once he brings them back safely to their homes. Equipment: De's armor is a typical silvary sheen and he wears a heavy chest plate, two arm guards, gauntlets and a belt over a red tunic that stands out starkly under chain mail between the amored peices. He also wears thick brown pants with the leggings tucked inside iron boots. He carries a large battle axe with him with a standard bow and arrows on his back. Magic: De only knows one magic spell, "spit fire" It allows De to take a big breath and blow fire from his mouth, however he can't hold the magic spell for too long or he'll end up perminantly damaging the inside of his mouth. So he uses it in emergancies or when he is cornered by an' enemy. Other Tidbits: nope nothing