If you're familiar with the guards of Metal Gear Solid, that noise entered my head upon briefly catching a Mimiga in my sight. That definitely wasn't a shadow, since it also ducked as quickly as I saw it. "Jesus!" I said under my breath, flicking the safety off of gun and running over long grass and jagged rocks, pointing my pistol downwards. By the time I had my back to the side of the tunnel, I was already panting somewhat - just a typical civilian with a lack of endurance training. Waiting a few seconds to relax, I leaned to my right and peered into the darkness. To my surprise, the place was quite bright, from both old lights flickering like computers from the 80s to a broken skylight on the roof. There was also some sort of... vat. It looked like a giant, decorated chicken egg. I didn't want to find out what was inside, and chances were the Mimigas and soldier wasn't. [i]Oh shit... that isn't special ops, that's a spy![/i] Things went from bad to worse once I pieced together important things in my head. I probably wasn't concentrating - the door on the opposite side of the room had shut without my knowledge. That, and it cut off the smell of rotting meat and got flies to stop buzzing. I didn't know how to do this: I either go to my helicopter to get backup and risk them leaving, or going in myself to get them ASAP. I rubbed my forehead while thinking, lifting my somewhat scratched helmet off to properly wipe away sweat. But, since I was wasting my time trying to decide, I went with entering the tunnel and getting the enemy myself, wearing my helmet again. After entering the large broken gap of the tunnel and carefully stepping over giant cables though, I stumbled back upon hearing roars and just managed to stand by holding onto a giant computer. That was a pretty big roar... and two. "Argh, they're already screwing themselves over anyway." I muttered to myself, wondering why I'm gonna risk my life to chase some spies. I didn't know what happened, but I think I had a minor case of paranoia. Something told me they would live through that. Those people had guts to go into a tunnel like that, and I suppose they could probably live through that. So, walking slowly towards the door, I gripped the rusted handle and turned it, creaking noises prevalent throughout the whole door. [i]Well, fuck me.[/i] I had just opened a door to a dragon-fighting tournament. I honestly had no idea what to do. Well, run - one of the dragons had stopped fighting after coughing out water, facing the noise of the door and giving me a death glare. Immediately, I slammed the door, probably breaking the hinges and hurting my ears as if someone's just scratched glass. Sure enough, I was engaged in running and leaping over rocks and grass to my helicopter, while the damn thing was on my tail after ramming the door and jumping on top of computers. I shot a few times at the thing, but all I really did hit was the tunnel in my struggle. I could hear metal clattering from this distance, after all.