The rules for the powers in the fourth dimension aren't exactly set in stone yet, unless Tek has those and hasn't disclosed them to me. So, just pitch ideas for what you think your powers can do in the fourth dimension. Though, ultimately, because Tek came up with the whole thing, I don't think I should be able to dictate rules on powers. I'm all for some sort of vibration machine, but it's a thing that would need to be used in moderation. If you can explain how it works, and how it fits in to the ability of hearing, because this feels like it's more something you release from your mouth. Unless the ear works opposite, and it releases vibrations instead of picking up on them for some reason. So is fourth dimensional travel supposed to be a form of instant teleportation? That would explain why it's near impossible to kill them while stuck in the "third dimension". They see you, teleport behind you, and in less than a second lacerate you into shreds and teleport away.