Joshua gets up from his chair, and smiles a big grin "Alright! Party time!" He grabs his mask, which completes his current chosen outfit once he puts it on. The costume was black and had blue lines going through it that led to his head, which had a large O where his face was. The eye areas were snuck away into the O it self. There was a bright orange shield on the chest of the suit as well, representing his current hero name: Stalwart Defender. He grabs a can of an energy drink from the fridge, which was mostly hidden in his huge hands. He rips the top off and pretty much chugs the whole thing before throwing it into a trash cane. He wipes his chin and lips with his now gloved hand, and then proceeds into the cruiser. He sits down in the system's defense and weapons control, pressing a few buttons. He wasn't really supposed to be there, but he didn't mind being seen as a brute most of the time. It was to be expected that people would treat him that like, saying how huge he was. But the buttons he pushed primed the shield, and did a system check on the weapons to make sure they were properly calibrated for optimum accuracy. He leans back and smiles, and says "Stalwart Defender, reporting for duty and ready for a good fight, sir!"