[quote=@RawrgnatheBloodfridge] Now, would this be an attachment to the ear that amplifies this ability, or just something that naturally occurs within your character? I have a feeling it needs at least a minor drawback. When you switch it to this "reverse ear function," would it effectively rid your ability to hear while you do it? Because you're releasing sound waves rather than receiving them? So that you are very temporarily deaf until the release is over with. I'm not saying permanently deaf, but only when the ability is being used and at no other time. [/quote] well how it would work is they would use their Fourth Dimensional hearing to pick up on the natural frequency. Then use some sound based technology to create and direct sound waves controlling the pitch, frequency and focus those sound to one target or expand them to hit multiple targets but the more focused it is the more damage it could do. I was thinking of have the technology to create the sound wave a gauntlets. This idea comes from a few DC villains one of them from batman of the future called Shriek another one from this weeks episode of the flash called the pied piper both of them used gauntlets to generate the sound waves.