[b]Hampus the Red, Meta-Ridley's Ship's Aft Secondary Hallway, Next To The Pod Bay's Main Entrance's Airlock[/b] Hampus had not been having a very eventful day, so far. All he did was get yelled at, get forced to hang out in the engine room, and is now being sent down to his death in a pod with a janitor who's apparently haunted. At least the pod bay was properly signposted, so all they had to do was follow the signs. As they walked, Hampus and Our Hero talked. However, since neither of them had any fantastic stories that didn't also involve them suffering humiliating injuries, it was mostly embellishing the truth and making smalltalk. Hampus had never expected to find someone close to his level of competence, yet here he was! Everyone he knew was some hideously smug powerhouse with more power in their middle finger than Hampus could put out [i]ever[/i], yet here was someone even [i]Hampus[/i] could beat in a fistfight! It did Hampus' self-esteem a world of good to know that he was not alone at the bottom of the barrel. "Well, my name's Hampus the Red. I'm, uh... I'm a [i]powerful wizard![/i] Student of the great "vizzard and vorlord" Vlad, and eighth-class elementalist. It's a pleasure to meet you!" At last, they arrived at the pod bay. It was a fairly scarce affair, housing only a small set of pods. They walked along the rows of pods until they came up to one with a brilliant [b]3[/b] painted in gold on it. Hampus, with great effort, lifted the pod's hatch, and waved Our Hero in. After Our Hero had found his seat, Hampus joined him.