[quote=@Xaynce] omg rp starting tonight? I think force-fields are basically something like that chick in Fantastic Four. I think Vectors and Telekinesis is basically that, but i don't know. Lightning Manipoolation would be good, and maybe just Animal Control instead of Pheromones? That way, it's more direct, and you can whistle down for a bird to poop on someone. That's two. Forcefields are three if you accept that, but if you don't, I think [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Kinetic_Energy_Manipulation]Kinetic Badassness[/url] would work. [/quote] Ahhh! I see what you mean. So, a barrier. Gotcha. Sorry, I get sort of.. air headed on occasion. (I'mz is hooman.) Vectors was a bit too OP. Lightning Manipulation is good if Bleu wants to use that. So, Animal Control Forcefield manipulation and Lightning Manipulation if you'd like to go with that.