Currently a Work In Progress, many apologies for being slow. New semester of school kicked me in the teeth and slowed me down, will pick up over weekend. [hider=Basic Info] [img][/img] [i]"If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary."[/i] - Malcolm X Name Annika Schmidt Callsign Blitz Age 33 Sex Female Height 5'7" Weight ~66 KG Nationality German Aircraft Dessault Rafale C Eye colour Blue Hair colour Black Likes Art [Drawing, sketching, etc], Reading, Writing, music [Especially Metal], stargazing Dislikes Violence, war, blood, sickness, curfews, [u]Personality[/u] To describe Annika Schmidt is...a daunting task at best. She is a woman who grew up in a world divided by the iron curtain, a world dark with oppression and rich in propoganda. To try and escape meant death. To try and speak out meant punishment. Emotions and freedoms were crushed, and the only rebellion offered was a whisper in the shadows. It is impossible to escape the effects of this world, even into her adult years. However, to focus on the woman herself, she is usually a calm figure. She takes what good she receives with a grain of salt, so to speak, as a pessimistic outlook on the world is one she bears. She's not overly negative, outwardly, but its clear she doesn't see the good in many situations, and will often linger on bad events that transpire. However, she is harboring intense anger; her pessimism and depression warping into an anger and passion that is, quite usually, a flurry to those on the receiving end. Not necessarily violent, but certainly a very striking woman when anger is upon her. Personal Weapons and misc. Gear -H&K UMP -Korth Combat Revolver -- -Personal Journal(s) [/hider] [hider=Aircraft] Aircraft Sheet Name Dessault Rafale - Rafale C-XIII Profile Link [url=]Profile Link[/url] Appearance [img][/img] Paint Job The aircraft, due to being a rental rather than a personally owned fighter, is of standard Thunderbol Black design and appearance. Owned or loaned Rent [/hider]