[quote=@Saarebas] [/quote] Hokey remained stationary, either welcoming or not particularly minding Shane's inspection. "Well, hey. I may not have muscles, but I was just trying to give some encouragement, is all." He issued the strange warbling sound that seemed to constitute a laugh for Hokey. "Uh, as for armoring... I am, in many ways, a testbed for oodles of new tricks Uncle Sam has up his sleeve. The armor is just one of them. Oh, it's a new composite, one that I'm fairly sure they haven't used on anything else yet. Which is to say it's..." He shifted back into a seated posture and scraped his top row of teeth along his chin, in a mock pensive gesture. He remained quiet for a moment, building the suspense. "Classified." Hokey gave a grin and returned to his feet. "Hell, I'm not a mechanical wolf of science to begin with, so even if I had the clearance to talk about such things, I doubt I could explain it well to satisfy a whiz kid like you." He chuckled again. "But hey, given how much you're able to decipher from just looking at me, I figure secrets won't remain secrets for long, yeah? No wonder why Patterson was pissed at you..." He trailed off and paused, then returned his attention to Shane. "Oh, Patterson's one of my technicians. One of the lead ones, actually. Keeps me running at peak efficiency and all. He's apparently rather jealous of your skills, kid."