[b]Name:[/b] Thalius Hanadar [b]Age:[/b] 39 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Firen [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=In Veradan Light Ranger Armor][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/132/7/0/medieval_palace_ranger_by_le_chin-d3g64ib.jpg[/img][/hider] He looks a little older than he actually is, with a hard face having a few wrinkles and scratches, and light skin. He has black, short, crew-cut hair. He has a short, rough beard forming around the outline of his mouth and chin. He has a medium body build, not scrawny, but not muscular or large either. He stands at 6'1 [b]Personality:[/b] Thalius can quickly come off as an emotionless and detached person. He chooses not to spend time with others much, not even his fellow Veradan military survivors. He does not speak casually very often. However, he can prepare a battleplan on the fly and give orders with clarity and confidence. He has a sound and calm mind, capable of maintaining his composure even in the most stressful of situations. However, he treats his fellow soldiers (more specifically, those assigned underneath him) more like tools and assets than actual people (Though he appears to treat himself that way as well). He seems to show indifference as to whether they will survive a fight or not. Though this does not mean he’ll just send them or himself to their deaths, as he will do what he can to keep them all alive. But it seems to be motivated more by “maintaining their long-term usefulness” rather than a genuine care for their life. [b]Character type and traits:[/b] [i]Battlement Ranger[/i] – A calm and collected strategist. He is determined and never believes that the war is impossible. He comes off as cold and uncaring; not getting much trust or confidence easily from allies (and them not usually receiving his in return). His lack of empathy can make him disregard their emotional states at times. [b]History:[/b] Thalius’ past is not something he openly discusses with anyone, unless they have earned their trust. What is known about him is that he had lived in the human city of Veradan, and that both his parents were soldiers. Following their footsteps, he enlisted as soon as he was capable, and of age. At first, his parents did not wish for him to take on the same dangerous lifestyle they had chosen to live, and tried to stop him for his own safety. But after an incident regarding a thief breaking into their home, they realized he was capable of protecting himself, and so they relented. Thalius was a member of the 20th Frontiersmen Platoon when he first started his military career; a unit comprised of entirely new recruits, called upon only against small-fry like bandits, or when the more experienced units need immediate assistance. After showing exceptional skill in ranged combat and tactics, he was transferred to the 12th Valkyrie Regiment (A long-range, support unit) after some years of service. Things were going well for them, but everything fell apart when the dead army began marching. Being a large city and center of trade, it was a prime target for cutting off supplies and assistance to the other remaining strongholds. The 12th Valkyrie Regiment remained at the city walls with the other ranged units, while the footmen held their position at ground level. They were ready to fight to their last, but the sight of the enemy made them realize it might have been pointless... An entire horde of unimaginable size marched upon them, with their soldiers and weapons looking like something torn out of a nightmare. Thalius tried to think of something they could have done to counter this threat, but even with a swift meeting of squad leaders and tacticians they all knew it was hopeless. No maneuever or plan would turn the battle in their favor. Their enemy fought using one thing: pure overwhelming force; a force that could not be stopped no matter what they did. The defenders fought valiantly, but there was no stopping the flood of monsters, the gates were breached, and defeat was imminent. Ragtag remains of the different platoons and units that made up the once proud and professional military force of Veradan reached the Sky Bridge, and volunteered themselves to assist in its defense. They doubted they would have a better chance considering how disorganized and unprepared the volunteer defenders were, but many of them wanted payback for the slaughter of their companions. And if it meant giving the monsters a harder time, they were willing to stand against the onslaught. Equipment: [list] [*] Wooden longbow for long-ranged and accurate firing [*] Veradan Light Ranger armor [*] Leather backpack for supplies and other items, with arrow quiver attached to the side [*] Small, retractable Telescope [*] Compact Crossbow for mid-range combat [*] Crossbow Bolts and container [*] Steel Shortsword for close-range engagements [/list] Other: [list] [*] He keeps a small, steel lockbox in his personal quarters, and in his bag when travelling. [*] Just for fun... Here's his Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUXjWeWuVSk]You Know My Name - Chris Cornell[/url] [/list]