The trio that was assaulting Lily refocused as when Lammy jumped into the fray. Deciding that a lightly armored druid was a better target than the Paladin, they dedicated their efforts to killing him. The footman launched into a flurry of slashes and chops while the Spearman crawled back up to his feet, giving Lammy a hate filled glare with his remaining eye. As the footman kept Lammy's attention with his onslaught, the spearman strafed left and lunged at Lammy, the long sharp tip of his spear sliced into the Druid's leg. Lily tried to protect Lammy but the Captain intercepted her and stopped her from getting closer. He slammed he with his shield before bringing down his sword overhead. Lily just had enough time to block the high blow before he followed up with a boot to the stomach. As the other footman saw his comrade struck down with the firebolt he chose to join the others. He ran towards Lily and Lammy, taking a grazing cut from Nyshara as he disengaged. As he ran back towards his allies he saw the Captain attacking Lily, the footman's training kicked in and as he ran by he sliced low with his broadsword to the back of Lily's armored thigh. The archers couldn't help take a shot at what seemed to be Markul running out in the open. The fired again and again but despite a few solid shots they never seemed to connect. The continued their assault, leaving their former targets unmolested. This brief opening gave Korick enough time to climb back on his boulder and loose an arrow into one of their sternums. The archer died with a gurgling breath as his partner started to consider fleeing.