o.o fairy tail? Joining! First Name: Haru Last Name (If Any): Shiba (He changed his last name so nobody would find out who his mother is and start swarming him with questions) Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/175/d/b/elsword__the_infinity_sword_awakens_by_jose8898-d6aisc7.jpg[/img] Height: 6'2" Weight: 187 lbs. Personality (Optional): Bio (Optional): TBR Parents (Optional): Erza (mother) Location of Guild Mark: back of his right hand Color: Red Likes: Eating, Sweets, Sleeping, going on jobs. Dislikes: Large Crowds, people that constantly bug him, anyone that touches his food. Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1): Elemental Combat Magic: It's a magic that Haru invented that involves the use of all four elements in a melee fight. He can imbue his body and weapon with elemental properties to enhance his combat capabilities. Outfit: in picture Theme Song (Optional): Other: He carries an enchanted sword that was a gift from his mother.