[quote=@Mikellh Dejax] I am not worthy to discuss my race because I only have one measly post! -(>_<)- But I shall. I initially thought that the Romans would have been a bad decision, in part of the Congregation's not-omniscience, to seek knowledge from since they're mostly known for being war-ish, and the Congregation, and indeed the Builder has seen much of that (war that is). But they could perhaps still share their culture and religion, not just the Romus Humans, but the Solusi and Forsythe as well. Also, if the Romans (or anyone in particular) are expecting to form an alliance with... dare I say, one of the most unknown, but powerful races in the galaxy, they have to be extremely persuasive, and appeal to the Congregation's ultimate goal/philosophy which is seeking knowledge. They will, however possibly join an Alliance of multiple race if it is wholly necessary and so that they may perhaps stop a large and eat-y pile of tentacles from devouring the black hole in the center of Andromeda... maybe. [/quote] A) Draconians will probably hate you. Just saying. B) Never say you're one of the most powerful races. Everyone will have a spaz fit- refer to the original Draconians. Duck hates Rogue to this day and constantly accused me of being him for quite some time because I took after some of his ideas, and we are similar-minded. C) Don't ever say you're more powerful than everyone else. You'll find the hostility increase. Refer to both the original Draconians and my Supremes. Even though my Supremes did nothing but sit around, secretly abduct humans and tear them apart for the hell of them, people still had hissy fits.