As the spearman was knocked down, Vis took the opportunity to rid himself the swordsman with the shield. Planting his back against the boulder, Vis named to get his feet between him and the shield, he powered his legs forwards and sent the Hobgiblin stumbling backward, pulling out his rapier and corkscrewing his way from another blow with the shield.  "Ga sher Dogh," yelled the Hobgoblin as he discarded his shield, "Batlh wik Gdersh!" The goblin charged him and Vis returned the favor, charging back but not blindly like his opponent. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the fistful of ash he had collected from the camp fire and as the goblin got close enough, he threw it at the creature's face. It was blinded and had started to swing his sword wildly, approaching low, Vis sliced his rapier along the knee of the goblin but he came to close to the goblins backswing and was hit in the back by it's sword, leaving a jagged wound along his back and shoulderblade. Quickly regaining balance he turned on the spot and thrust his sword outwards, embedding it in the goblin, in the space between his helmet and armor. As he turned from his latest kill, he froze, a spear was being lunged towards his face and was inches away, but suddenly it was pulled back ferociously and the spearman was writhing in pain on the floor, the smell of smoldering coming off him. Tracing from where the projectile might have come, he saw Nyshara, giving her a small nod, he went for cover. **GOBLIN TRANSLATION: One eared fool, you will be defeated!**