"HhhnggH!" Lammy managed to stifle a yelp as he was attacked. That well placed slice did well to incapacitate the druid, dropping him down to a knee as the footman proved to be a worthy distraction. Sheeva didn't take that too lightly. As Lily tackled the spearman to the ground, Sheeva shot back into the spearman's face, making [i]sure[/i] she dealt with the surviving eye, along with whatever else remained of the hobgoblin's already mangled gob. Or, at least proving to be a worthy distraction for the hobgoblin. The footman on the other hand, was beginning to revel in working over the druid, as several overhead strikes clanged and clashed with his quarterstaff. The hobgoblin would laugh and taunt as he struck, clearly working down Lammy's defense. One last strike ended with Lammy's staff falling to his side. With the defense broken, the footman went in for the kill, with a swing that would've no doubt lopped Lammy's head off. Acting on instinct, the druid dropped from his kneeling position, plopping back into the sand. The footman had a chuckle at the boy's tenacity, and instead went in for another overhead strike. "Any last words, kid?" The hobgoblin was sure he had the upper hand. Lammy scowled at the taunt. [i]"Just one."[/i] He shot a hand towards the goblin's face, a ball of flame forming. "FIRE!" The orb launched, blasting the hobgoblin head on. He reeled back, squealing in pain as his greasy goblin cheeks sizzled and smoked under the influence of fire. With the opportunity presenting itself, Lammy grabbed for his quarterstaff. With his good leg he sprung into a spin, swinging the stick with enough force to knock the taste out of the hobgoblin's mouth. Lammy stumbled back into the sand, with the dazed hobgoblin following after him. The footman dove face first into the grit, unresponsive. The druid smirked a little before thinking back on his dire situation. "I gotta get out of here..." He mumbled, crawling back some before quickly reverting to Hawk status and flying off. Sheeva noticed her retreating companion, and followed after him.