Morgan was still a bit teary eyed and stuffy from episode earlier. She knew that the dog must have been hungry...that or lonely. Dogs are social creatures, they tend to need companionship. CC ate her food rather slowly, taking her time to savor it. Eating like a human would. Strange. [i]"You're an exceedingly strange animal..." Morgan thought to herself, furrowing her brow.[/i] Her train of thought was interrupted by a doggy face resting on her knee. Morgan smiled widely, and looked down at the canine straight in the eyes. "I wish you could talk. Then you could tell me what you want, or need rather. Language and species barriers are lame. So lame." She laughed out, glad to have the company, even if all it did was get hair everywhere and eat all the time, she didn't mind. She's been alone in this house for over three years. Sooner than later, she padded away to the fireplace and curled up, looking nice and toasty warm. Oak wood always did burn hotter than the pine that's native to the area. Morgan walked to the television and plopped down on the leather couch, which promptly swallowed her up, basically whole. She snuggled in tight and flipped on the satellite broadcast. She reached a hand over the arm rest and beckoned for CC to join her, it was a big couch after all. "C'mon. Come join me. Keep me warm, CC." She giggled out. [i]"I have a feeling that things are about to get pretty weird around short order." Morgan sighed out internally, just letting her consciousness overwhelm her.[/i]