The pack's new guide, Gallus, guided them back through to the main chamber, likely because it connected to most other parts of the city. Whatever purpose it once held to the Ayleids, now its use was fairly self-evident. Its sheer size was perfect for training, or large gatherings. And with how many lycans were apparently in the clan, they would need the space. It was so large, in fact, that most of the lycans that saw them pass did not take special notice of the pack, most likely because they were used to new faces by this point. Ahnasha nodded to Gallus as they walked along through the chamber. "Ahnasha, and yes, Rhazii is a werewolf. You said you first turned when you were in your teenage years? That is what I thought would happen. We still have plenty of years before we need to worry about that." She commented. Other than the training, there was little else actually happening in the main chamber, at least not at the moment, so the group simply exchanged introductions with Gallus as they headed into another corridor, then down the stairs to a lower floor. In addition to the general noise of people moving about in the distance, they could also start to hear the low, steady sound of flowing water echo through the spacious halls. The stairs ended perpendicular to a hallway with chambers on both the left and right on the opposite side of the hall. Just in front of them, they could see into the chamber that Gallus was guiding them to. It was well-lit, with a decently wide and deep stream flowing through its center. Given that the path the stream was flowing through was built into the ruin, it had likely always been the water source for the city. Apart from the stream, the other most notable feature about the room were the small glowing pillars on the sides of the stream, each with a welkynd stone at its top. They radiated magicka, but even Meesei did not know their function just by looking at them. From outside the room, they could also hear voices echoing through the halls to their left, but Gallus would likely take them there soon. "I take it this is the city's water source? I can see how this place would be an excellent home, given that it has its own river." Meesei commented. "Do you happen to know what those pillars do?"