I see that soldier from the helicopter open the door and immediately ran away, shooting and missing all of his shots. I rub my forehead and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, the creature was staring at me now, after abandoning that other soldier. I look at the beige dragon that was now glaring at me, and it lunged forward, pushing me into the ground with a strong tackle. I stick my fist into its eye, and it screeches. I roll to the side and get up, kicking it in the side of the neck, and I look at the guy who I found earlier at the plantation. "Get up and use that hammer!" I say, taking a particularly large rock and trying to throw it at the injured eye. I missed, hitting it in the nose, and I begin running again, and it chases. I hear something crack from above, and a stalagmite hits it in the wing, and pins it to the ground. It screeches, trying to get up, and I stare at it. Should I give it mercy? It was a wild beast, but it was attempting to kill me. I leave it scratching at the broken wing, and go to help fight the other dragon, kicking it in the back leg and punching it in the side of the throat. Unfortunately, the dragon's scales were stronger than my paws or feet. I see it cough up the sprinkler, and I take it, spraying it in the face, but it didn't seem to do much.