[color=7ea7d8]"But Sephie and her friends know us!" Amber frowns. "Yeah!" Clancy nods. The two shadows skip down the corridor to meet everyone else. A ripple of horror goes through Sephie's entire group of friends at the sight of them. "H-how did THEY get here?!" Sephie cries. "They're Amber and Clancy, Sephie." Felixter sighs, shaking his head slowly. "When will there ever be a place where they cannot follow and stalk?" "Good point..." Sephie mutters quietly. "What? You'll give us Kiroketsu?" Amber gasps with an ecstatic look, turning to Fedora-man. "Sounds like a good deal to me!" Clancy cheers. "NO, WAIT, WHAT?! DON'T GIVE ME TO THEM, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT?!" Kiroketsu shouts in immediate protest. "....Face it, you're the least useful of us." Meora shrugs. "SO MEAN." Kiroketsu sobs. "I think Kiroketsu would like to try your sandwich!" Clancy declares. "WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME?!" Kiroketsu covers his face with his claws. "Because you make it too easy." Sephie shrugs, just like Meora did.[/color]