Something that I would like to mention is that I really like that every time I read through the IC, it seems like Caits changes her character's (color) colours with each post lol. But I really like the colors right now, it feels like those light color (colours) match which is great since they're sisters. [quote=@j8cob] Kingdom Hearts was a good game, yeah. So was the second I heard but I never played that one. But still, KH is pretty much a Final Fantasy with Disney fusion. It even has several FF characters in it. XD [/quote] True, but for me, when I played a Final Fantasy game and play Kingdom Hearts I just felt more attached and favored KH more than most of the FF series. It's one of those games that I really like playing during my childhood. Another one would be that I really like playing was playing during my childhhod was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the gamecube. I really enjoyed playing it my cousins, but sadly we weren't able to beat the final boss, we came so close with me as the last one alive, but I couldn't defeat the thing. And to this day, I wish that there is someone that I know that is interested enough to join me to finish this game. It was such a fun game that I need to finish it and redeem myself by defeating the last-ish boss.