Luca sighed, and just walked to Zhijiru's side. 20 silver was too rich for his blood. Zhijiru was definitely overcharging the woman. Perhaps he was really so destitute that he needed every opportunity. "Sure, 20 silver it is, Jiru. Does the lady want to buy?" chirped Luca. He wouldn't get to finish off the chicken himself, but if the pretty woman bought and ate the chicken herself, it was no skin off Luca's back. "The chicken's the finest you could have. In fact, it would be an utter waste for you to [i]just[/i] buy and eat it. Give it a command to kill the greatest knights in the land, and it will do its job [i]perfectly[/i]." Luca grinned at the woman. He took a moment to whisper into Jiru's ear. "Really, 20 silver? What are friends for?"