"Well isn't this lovely. I'll just leave you kids to mingle" her grandmother said before departing to join a group of elderly Gothamites. The smile on her face and bounce in her step suggested she was satisfied with the little trap she laid for Kate. Fortunately for Kate, Tim seems to get the picture; which is more than she can say about the other setups her grandmother instituted. She couldn't tell if they were dense, dumb, or arrogant. Either way, they did not know when to give up. [b]”It is nice to meet you Kate and if I might say a untamed rebel is far better than a docile sheep.” ... “A comfort we both share.” Tim said.[/b] "Pleasure to meet you" Kate said with a firm handshake. This Tim guy was nice enough, if a bit stiff. He seemed like one of those intense business men that were always checking their email or getting upset that some stock dropped .01%. She didn't want to jump to conclusions about someone she just met, but Kate really hoped he didn't start talking about business or how the Kane's should invest in Wayne Enterprises. Just because her family was well off didn't mean she knew (or cared) anything about investments or yearly profits or any of that pencil pusher stuff. But before her boredom induced nightmares could come true the littlest Wayne and a lavender scented knight came to her rescue. [b]"Hi Miss Kane! If Tim's your date to the wedding, shouldn't he be wearing a dress that goes with your suit?"[/b] Damian said. [i]pfffffft[/i] Kate nearly spit out her glass of 60 year aged red wine. "He's got a point, you'd look great in a dress." Kate did her best to contain her laughter. [b]“Kate I would like to introduce my younger brother Damian. As you can see he has a way with words.”[/b] "Nice to meet you Damian. I like your suit." Like most people Kate has heard of the youngest Wayne. Yet the child before her was nothing like the brat that the rumors and tabloids made him out to be. But she had to admit there was something... eerie about him. There was an intense look in his eye, like there was rage deep in his bones. His smile was forced, like he was wearing a mask. Then again she thought the same thing about Bruce, so maybe it just ran in the family. [b]He [Tim] then moved his hand over to Steph. “And this is Stephanie Brown. A good friend of the family.”[/b] "Oh yes, I know. I didn't expect to see you here, cupcake." she said humorously to Steph. This was the last place she expected Steph to show up, she didn't exactly seem like the rich and snobby type. That's what Kate liked about her, she wasn't fake like the others. She didn't care about having the fastest sports car or the most expense dress from a designer who's name you can't pronounce. Kate was glad there was at least one familiar face here. "I didn't know you had friends in high places. Love the dress by the way." The group continued to chat to the sound of world class musicians in the background, and Kate found herself having a better time than she expected. The overpriced food and drinks certainly didn't hurt. Red wine was always her personal favorite. But she couldn't shake this feeling like she was being watched, it sent a [i][color=6ecff6]chill[/color][/i] up her spine.