"She predic-?" Cassarah let out the rest of her breath and looked away, shaking her head. She had been in contact with the woman via courier message. Mrs Solomon's reputation for being relaxed about the truth was beginning to become apparent. Cassarah sincerely hoped that it was not a bad idea to seek her out. At least the woman didn't tell her strange guard son [i]why[/i] Cassarah was there, else she would be running from them or in manacles by now. Still, this guard's behaviour was thoroughly confusing. Was her spell so obvious that he thought she meant her harm? Cassarah decided to lower her staff to the ground calmly, but kept energy in the flash if she needed it. "I'm not going to hurt you, now leave me alone," Cassarah said simply, letting go of her anger. Cassarah turned to leave and her cowl-hidden expression spoke of nervousness while it was facing away from the guard. [i]Please don't follow me, please don't follow me, please...[/i]