[b]Sable Rhodroth - [color=red]WRETCHED ONE[/color][/b] The feeling was mutual between himself and child-like Dragon Slayer. Which was a load of crap to begin with, the kid was nineteen, same age as him but he got away with it because his Dragon raised him away from civilization. Hell, if Rhodroth had done that for him, he'd still be getting his butt kicked up and down the guild hall by the masters. Which was pretty hilarious when it was happening to Aiden. Not so much when it was himself. He folded his arms behind his head and cocked a brow towards Chrome, her words left him feeling frustrated and enraged. He hated teaching the younger members, they always complained about how he was too rough, which usually led to the master taking jewels from him to rebuild the Dojo. He let out a sharp tsk before walking off from female, seemingly forgetting he had started a conversation with her. "Are you kidding me with this crap?" he asked, trailing behind Chrome and within the group. "I hate teaching them, it isn't like they can use my fighting style. All they gonna do is cry and bitch at me about being too rough." --- Sable found himself on the uppermost tier of Guild House's roof, peering out over Crocus and thinking of Cringle. He munched on another mouthful of flames as he festered over his most recent failure at getting her. Not only was the concept of giving up escaping him but the ideal of backing off was evading his logic as well. It was like he was basically opening the door for heartache. "Yuuki isn't right for ya, Cringle," he spoke aloud to the air, as if it would respond to him. "You should just bow to me already. It isn't like I can't provide for ya," he finished softly. He was beginning to think sending a lesser guild member to teach the white belts was a genuine thought of sentiment. The way he was feeling now, he was liable to break a few arms, bald a few people by fire, and do everything in between. Suddenly he release a jet of flames from his maw and into the air, his anger reaching a boiling point. "Dammit! just give in already!"