"Thank you," Robert said as Priscilla cleaned up the milk. He was relieved that she hadn't gotten irritated by the milk splashing, even if only a little bit got on her. In fact, he was so relieved that he let out a light chuckle. When Priscilla said that she'd like some of the cookie, he handed her the half that hadn't fallen into the milk. Robert also tipped the milk a bit in her direction so that she could dunk her half as well if she wanted to. He would eat the half that had fallen in... after Priscilla had dunked to her satisfaction of course, he didn't want to stick his hand in there if she was going to use it. "Hmm? What do I think about them? Hmmmmmmm. Well, while I did run into Daniel before you and Greyson, I didn't really get to talk to him beyond sharing my name and him his before running into you guys. So, I knew him about as well as you or Greyson. So yeah, that bed comment took me by surprise. I hope he isn't normally like that. Anyway, Greyson. He seems like a pretty nice guy. I can't help but think there's something that he wants, but I don't know what. And yeah, that's about it," he said when Priscilla asked the same question back. Robert looked at the upper section of his peripheral vision, expecting to see the time and temperature function that appeared on the HUD of his visor. He had forgotten that he had taken his visor off right after the battle several hours ago. He was just so used to almost always having it on that he'd forgotten what it was like not to. Robert reached into his pocket with the goal of taking out his visor to put it on only to see what time it was when his hand brushed by another object in his pocket. He suddenly remembered the scrolls that the Beacon staff had passed out during initiation. That had a time function! He could just use that instead of having to put on his visor, something that Robert always felt made him feel detached from conversation. It wasn't that a big of a deal, but Robert couldn't help but feel a little excited about this new technology that he now officially owned. He looked at the time given by the scroll. "Hmm, we should probably get back to our room. I haven't heard anything about a curfew, but if there is one we're probably nearing it. Let's quickly grab something for Greyson and Daniel to eat and go."