[b][u]Valerion Draviis[/u][/b] Valerion waited and watched intently, the female mer, now that Valerion thought, had a very strange aura. It was older than even his! But it was scarred, a deep rift cutting through it, and it shone in a colour much akin to a crystalline, clear, turquoise ice. Valerion pondered and stewed a few thoughts whilst the others were speaking. [i]"She couldn't be a snow elf, could she?"[/i] Valerion peered a bit more at the mer, and started racking his brain and memories for any sort of inclination that could assist him. It was then that Valerions eyes widened, and pupils dilated, he had found that little slither of a past expedition that could possibly confirm everyone's suspicions, as Dreet-Na had just piped up, being the scholar he is that she was indeed a Snow elf. "I can only agree with our scaled friend" Valerion said, a small smile splitting across his face, although obscured by his helmet. "About 3 centuries ago I heard a rumour, from an old wizened elf that in the ancient Alyeid city there was a group of these creatures called 'Falmer' hiding there in the day, and in the night? They were spreading out, killing both beast and man. Even children. Only blood remained and no sign of a body. Things such as these interested me, as I have lived a very long time. And not once have I ever heard a mention of these creatures." Checking to make sure he had everyone's undivided attention, he shifted his position on the rock and leaning on his right knee, continued. "So." "I decided I would investigate these rumours, and see if there was truth behind them. I traveled the following day up into the Jerall mountains, into an ancient ruin of the Ayleids, called Rielle." "My first sight of the place was a bit dreary, I recall. I have been to Nenalata and Wendelbek, cities of immense size, both in and out. And yet this place was nought but a few crumbling white columns and a door, splattered with blood. A perfect place for those who did not wish to be found, as one could walk past it in even a light snowfall and not notice the white stone, a perfect place for those who wished to kill and not be seen in the process." Valerion gazed over to the elf, who was in her binds and then re-shifted his attention onto the group. "I made my way into the ruin with trouble. All of the traps had been triggered, but. Had been reset, more than enough proof that someone was definitely in there. The place was resonating a powerful cold energy, and the first floor was completely deserted, all that was, was trails of blood, the floor once an immaculate white. Now a tarnished brown and black, with layers of fresh blood over the old. It was the second floor however, when I first met a Falmer. Twisted creatures, one of the worst sights I have ever seen. Their skin was a stony lethargic grey, eyes nothing but a soft pink skin and they were in a permanent crouching state, I don't think they could stand straight even if they tried. Even though they were blind, they had the hearing of a predator. They probably heard me enter the ruin through the stone. They attacked with ferocious speed and strength for their small frame. They truly did not need their eyes but if they had them no doubt I would have had a tough fight on my hands." I killed about 20 of them before I reached the end of the ruin... The sight I received was a strange one... Where a wall should have been there was none, but a long tunnel penetrating deep into the mountain. The nine only know how long it would have took to do that. Before I was attacked by the final horde of Falmer, I seen a tall elf, towering over the creatures that were trying to protect it, or I can only assume that's what they were doing. It's skin a shockingly pale white, the hair matching it. And it was adorned in a very strange armour, of the like I have never seen. In the end, I never caught that elf, the tunnel that had been made had been forcibly collapsed. But in the elfs haste, it left behind a tome, and once it had been deciphered; at a considerable cost I might add. It detailed information about snow elves, and falmer. So in short girl, you are exactly what you appear to be. An elf with skin of snow; A snow elf." Valerion stood up from his perch and walked a few steps closer to her. "And not the last of your kind... for now. Speaking of which, I too agree with Dreet-na, once again. She need not fear us, nor we her. If she tries anything again, however. I'll gladly kill her." Valerion walked away from the elf and went over to the roaring fire, and awaited his portion of the elk. He had no doubt the Rawlith would make a fine meal out of this beast.