It was just interruption after interruption today, and no on even had anything good to say! At this point she was waiting on L'esta or Katas to report in, hoping they might have something that wasn't going to irritate her as the others had been. Just after getting rid of one headache another appeared, there was no end to it. Resisting the urge to simply tell whoever it was to outright go away she rose up from her chair, expecting another unfortunate soldier to carry in their officer's moronic requests or plans; the person who came in not only was not some mindless soldier, but someone she recognized. At least, the Queen thought she recognized this person, but she dared not believe her eyes at first. However as the figure stood there and others joined him there was no doubting it, her son had finally returned home. He was a little different still but far closer to his old self than before, and he had his friends with him still. Quite confused by it all she watched him curiously, craning her head while trying to process it all. Finally she moved forward wordlessly, walking over to T'charrl and standing before him. "You've come back from your journey... For a while...?" Eslaria repeated, blinking a few times before frowning. "And you never called? Did you ever once try getting in touch with Katas? I thought Vegeta set something up and yet you never got in touch with us! Not even once! Do you have any idea what your father and I have been through worrying about you?" As abruptly as she had started chastising her son the Queen leaned over, wrapping her arms around him and pulling T'charrl close. Closing her eyes she sighed softly, laying her head against his shoulder and smiling faintly. "Though I suppose it does not matter... You're home now." Vegeta figured Choi had been getting at being casual with Viral, something that he never did with the Beastman. The only issue with that was not only did he feel incredibly awkward doing it but Viral didn't look to take to it as well as he might have hoped. Rather than be encouraged by the more relaxed approach he was just as upset as before, and confused to boot. Smiling uncomfortably he placed his hands on his hips, pausing briefly before sighing and following after Viral again. "Why waste the energy trying to find something to care about? Just enjoy being out and about. We don't need a reason to be here, or any goal, we just should do whatever comes to mind, whatever we want." Spontaneity was scarcely one of his better skills, and chances were he'd quickly cave in and get back to his rigid self, but Vegeta was hoping maybe having unbound freedom would enable his friend a little more. They had an entire planet to themselves, and he figured now that he was with Viral the curfew wasn't as much imposed as suggested; keeping an eye on the Beastman undid the entire purpose of the curfew in the first place. "Does feel nice to be on a planet again... It's not quite Earth, but it's pleasant enough."