Hmm, the pictures look great, really, but.... not what I was expecting. I expected Daniel to have more of a lithe build, maybe something more like what you'd expect of a high school street brawler. Thin, but still showing enough muscle to know that he's a strong guy. His chest seems a little too well-defined for me. Also, the straight sword, which is meant to be a short sword, seems to be as long as the curved longsword, which shouldn't be right, and I was expecting the swords to be on his hips, although perhaps I should have made that part a little clearer. The emblem I was expecting to have the swords the same shape as the two swords I just mentioned, though it still looks pretty good (I expected the sterotypical straight swords, at least though, and not sabers). Of course, you don't have to go through any trouble for any of my opinions. Just wanted to let you know.