Sophia took a deep breath and then let it out. She stood up, placed her hands on the table, and grinned. "Alright!" She declared, making herself sound happier than she felt. "For the rest of today no more being scared, no more crying, no more [i]shit[/i]. If anyone else tries to bring us down, I swear I'm going to grab my bow--" she had a recurve bow in her room "--and I will shoot them in the knee." Sophia was sick of being scared and being upset. She wanted to be happy. She wanted to enjoy herself and have a good day with Tim. She would forget all about Evelyn and David, Paul and Greg. They were all assholes and she hoped that every single one of their gaming systems crashed at once. [i]That[/i] would serve them right. Plus the thought of them crying bitter tears as their entire collection went down the drain made her feel better. "So!" Sophia continued. "I think it's about time for dinner. Shall I cook or do you want to order take out?"