Winds of freezing col licked the bruises upon Sairis's body. Master Chan Jak was a devious old man and was not one to hold back against Sai, which was exactly how Sai liked it. Chan Jak stroked his beard with intense curiosity as to what his grandson would do next. Talent was something that Chan Jak knew that boy held since a young age but skill was another thing all-together. Sairis has been training ever since he could walk, a tradition shared by all the members of Chan Jak's family. If anyone was to ever beat Chan Jak then Chan had his money on Sairis. "SHUT UP OLD MAN!" Sairis let his anger swell up inside him though it was mostly the pain from his bruises and the cold air. The S Class Mage dashed forward at full speed. Magic swelling through his hand turning his fingers into the talons of an hawk. Quick attacks were the name of the game and Sairis played that game well. Each swing of his claws cut the very air it touched. Chan Jak body moved to match each attack, pushing, blocking and dodging. His kung fu was grand and his grandson's unorthodox style was impressive to say the least. One claw swiped through the old man's shirt nearly hitting his torso but he pushed the hand away to return with a palm. Magic swelled furiously before solidifying in the center. The plam touched Sairis's face, sending his head backwards followed by the rest of his body from the expulsion of magical energy. Sai slid through the harsh snow for several feet. "Hehe. I think it's time to wrap it up. We've been here for almost two days now." "Fine, old man. Get back to Chrome....errr...Vyper Bolt before Sable destroys the place."