Fubuki sighed, staring at the deck profile of her alternate deck to make sure everything was in order. She hadn't tested it much, of course- she had only decided to build the deck once it was confirmed she was coming to America to duel. She had been given ample time on the half a day long ride from Japan, so it was only natural to use the time on the airplane to make sure everything was in order. But the ride was... Disorienting, to say the least. She would have much preferred traveling by ship, especially given the circumstances of her mother's death. It's not that she was ungrateful, but instead it was more the fact that... Fubuki shoved those thoughts out of her mind. There was no reason for her to have such an irrational fear of planes for such a reason. The flight was just about over anyhow, and she had just confirmed both of her decks were ready. Subconsciously holding her mother's emerald necklace, Fubuki looked out the window as the plane slowly descended to the ground. The landing was a bit shaky, if nothing else. Placing her experimental deck in a box, Fubuki took her luggage and glanced at her Duel Disk before getting up and leaving with the other Duelists. Walking off the plane, Fubuki noticed a set of limousines and a bunch of men near them. Noticing her name floating abovehead, Fubuki walked over to the limo, accidentally bumping into a large man smoking a cigarette due to all the people pushing and shoving. "Sorry." she said as she continued on towards the limo. ------ Joseph laughed as he watched a comedy on the small monitor on the plane ride to Regno Rico. It was a series he had decided to pick up due to his boredom, but in the end it had caught his interest for the entire ride. Turning his glance out the window, Joseph watched as the view of the city cleared itself up. It was as large and as bright as he had expected. Even in the middle of the day, the city seemed to be as bright as it had been rumored to be. "I guess it's my time to shine, huh?" he said quietly, smiling as he glanced down at his hand. Constellarknight Diamond. A dragon made of stars. What could get cooler than that? Absentmindedly staring at the art of the card, Joseph slid the card back into his Extra Deck as the plane made it's descent. With this, his journey to the top would be begin. He'd definitely stand on top of the city and win everything. For all of the people that have put their faith in him back at home, he'd definitely win and make them proud. That's what he'd say if he was cocky, of course. Champions from the world over were coming to duel- he'd feel satisfied just coming in fifth or sixth. Watching as the plane descended onto the runway, Joseph smiled. If anything, a free trip to the city was good enough in and of itself. Leaving his seat and taking his luggage, Joseph exited the plane with everyone else as it docked and looked around for some place to- There. He just noticed his name floating about among a bunch of others on a floating display a while away. Smiling, he took his luggage and walked to the limo he was assigned, sliding in and taking a soda from a mini-fridge in the limo itself. "If you don't mind." he said, taking a sip as he pulled the luggage closer to himself to leave room for more people to enter.